Fetish Sizing: Bite The Fruit’s personalized buying experience

About BTF Sex Toys & Lube

Metro Weekly - Fetish SizingMetro Weekly, January 14, 2016: There are downsides to buying fetish gear and sex toys online. You often can’t even see pictures of the products in use on Amazon.

“In our store, there’s no censorship,” says Bite The Fruit‘s Russwin Francisco. “As long as you’re 18 or older, you can come in and we can talk sex. And we can show you pictures.”

A former business instructor, Francisco spent a decade working at The Leather Rack before taking over the Connecticut Avenue store in 2012. He eventually rechristened the venue Bite The Fruit in reference to Adam and Eve, and as a kind of tribute to Eve’s action in expanding carnal knowledge and experience. The name change has helped Francisco expand the store’s customer base from almost exclusively gay leathermen to a 70/30 mix, that also included straight women and straight couples.

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