March is Sexual Pleasure Month

Self-Care Sexual Wellness

Sex is good for you. Our bodies thrive on the chemicals released during orgasm, so a healthy sex life is part of a healthy body. We need to think of sexual health beyond disease prevention or the treatment of disorder. Sexual pleasure and satisfaction are essential to our well being.

Go solo because YOLO!

There are many ways to experience sexual pleasure, and you don’t even need a partner. Masturbation is normal, healthy, and fun. It reduces stress, is associated with better sleep, and is a great way to explore what feels good to you. Just enjoy.

Embracing pleasure

We’ve all found it awkward when the topic of sex and sexual pleasure come up. Society puts so much shame, stigma, and pressure to keep things suppressed. However, sex and pleasure are part of the natural experience of being human. All sorts of issues arise from the repression of our sexual nature. We're not suggesting running amok or being reckless. We believe we should approach sex with curiosity, openness and a sense of adventure. We should explore pleasure and savor it.

Healthy relationships

With partners, communication is key. The way we each experience pleasure is different, and the same goes for our comfort levels and boundaries. Consent – given freely, enthusiastically, and continuously – is a must. Learn to start a conversation with your partner because there is much to talk about. Explore each other's fantasies, desires. Find out what feels good and what doesn’t.

Safer sex and condoms

Something else to discuss with your partner is contraception and safer sex. There are many options to prevent unwanted pregnancies, but a condom is the only one that, when used correctly and consistently, protects against pregnancy and STIs.

It’s all about finding the condom that’s the best fit. Some are snug, some fit more loosely, others have ribs and dots to enhance a partner’s pleasure. Sex with condoms is fantastic and fulfilling.

Tips for healthy sexual relationships 

•    Be direct in relationships 
•    Make time for honest conversations 
•    Have relationship check-ins 
•    Don't sacrifice your own needs to keep the peace in a relationship 
•    Ask for more from your partner, friends, and loved ones 
•    Use productive energy to refresh your dating profile 
•    Take risks in your dating life

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