Bite the Fruit

February is National Condom Month

Russwin Francisco Self-Care Sexual Wellness

February is National Condom Month

Condoms, when used correctly and consistently, are safe and highly effective in preventing transmission of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, and unplanned pregnancies. Condoms are safe, inexpensive and widely available.  There are both external (male) condoms and internal (female) condoms which are effective when used correctly. External condoms are most common and are sheaths or coverings that fit over a man’s erect penis before penetration. Internal condoms are also available and are sheaths or linings that fit loosely inside the vagina before penetration. When using condoms, personal lubricants (also known as lube) make it less likely that the condom will...

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Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend Jan 10-13

Russwin Francisco Community & Pride

Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend Jan 10-13

The Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill400 New Jersey Ave, NWWashington, DC Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend (MAL) is an annual LGBTQ+ celebration of the leather and kink communities. Produced and hosted by the Centaur Motorcycle Club, thousands participate in various events including Mr. MAL Contest, puppy play, dances, and Leather Cocktails. Bite the Fruit joins nearly 30 artisans, craftspeople and vendors of leather and fetish gear from across the country in the Exhibitor Hall. Leather Cocktails, a formal social with dinner on Saturday evening, is the cornerstone event of the weekend. The highlight of the evening is MAL’s parade of colors....

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How to wear cologne

Russwin Francisco Self-Care

How to wear cologne

We all know that guy. He walks into a room and a strong scent of cologne (usually unpleasant) fills the space and threatens to choke you. It’s impossible to ignore and, in extreme cases, lingers long after he leaves. Don’t be that guy. How should you properly apply and wear cologne? There are many ways to wear fragrance—nearly as many as there are fragrances available. Here’s a guide to how to wear cologne: Make it personal Fragrance is a deeply personal matter. Many have strong opinions about wearing colognes. Only subscribe to a suggestion that truly works for you. Fragrance...

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Quotes on relationship

Russwin Francisco Relationship Health

Quotes on relationship

Whether you’re embarking on a new romance or attempting to strengthen a long-term union, the journey can be filled with unpredictable twists and turns. While all interpersonal relationships are complex, romantic relationships can bring unexpected challenges. The basic building blocks of a happy, healthy relationship are empathy, positivity, and a strong emotional bond. Gathered below are some of the best, most straightforward relationship advice from celebrities (and professionals) who’ve successfully navigated the peaks and valleys of their own relationships. Their words can serve as a guide for our own journeys toward stronger connections and deeper, more profound bonds. Regardless of...

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A check-in is key to connection and intimacy

Russwin Francisco Relationship Health

A check-in is key to connection and intimacy

Cultivating connection with your partner is vital to the success of your relationship. Setting time aside, even when time is limited, should be a priority. Feeling disconnected with one's partner is quite common. Couples are constantly assailed by everyday stresses: different work schedules, a new baby, money anxiety, health concerns, job pressures, etc. Sometimes even happy events add to the tension in relationships: planning a wedding, a visit from the in-laws, holiday dinners, etc. Carving out quality time with one's partner becomes another chore to add to a long to-do list. In the back of our minds, we know that...

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