We ship via United Parcel Service (UPS) using plain, discreet packaging.
Orders received over the weekend are shipped on Monday. Orders received during the week are typically shipped within a day. UPS Ground service in the Washington, DC, area usually arrives within three days.
We do not ship to post office boxes, military boxes, Alaska, Hawaii, United States territories and international addresses.
What is the status of my shipment?
You should receive a confirmation email when we ship your order. The email will include the UPS tracking number of your shipment. To check the status of your shipment, go to and enter the tracking number. Alternately, you may call UPS at 1-888-742-5877.
PLEASE READ: UPS Service Guarantee.
IMPORTANT: Although we will do our best to ensure your satisfaction, Bite the Fruit is not responsible for damage, delay, loss or theft of shipment.