Bite the Fruit


Russwin Francisco Kink & Fetish


What are sounds? Sounds are smooth medical instruments designed to enlarge the urethra. In a non-medical setting they are used both for urethral stretching, and (more commonly) for highly pleasurable stimulation. Sounds are highly polished stainless steel rods with diameters ranging from 1mm to 15mm. When gently inserted into the urethra, they enlarge it and produce an exceptional stimulation. They can heighten sexual pleasure.   Background   Sounding or urethral sounding is the medical use of probes called sounds to increase the inner diameter of the urethra and to locate obstructions in it. Sounds are also used to stretch the...

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Vacuum Pumps

Russwin Francisco Sex Toys & Lube

Vacuum Pumps

  Bite the Fruit recommends vacuum pumps that are "trigger type," hand-operated, light weight, heavy duty, and equipped with a pressure release valve.   What is Vacuum Pumping?   Among other things, vacuum pumping can be employed for penis enlargement. Medically, the process is referred to as hyperemiation. Two-thirds of penis tissue is composed of corpus cavernosum which can be expanded due its lacunar spaces.   The process involves inserting the penis in a cylinder. A hand pump is used to remove air from the cylinder. The suction produced causes the penis to expand. This method is a relatively safe...

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Gun Oil - Happy Valentines Day (2014)

Russwin Francisco Community & Pride Sex Toys & Lube

Gun Oil - Happy Valentines Day (2014)

Sometimes you wonder if it's all worth it. The lonely nights, the empty home. The truth is, you don't have a choice. Even if it makes time go slower, even if it makes your chest hurt, just knowing that person even exists in the same world as you, gives you no choice but to wait. Because distance shouldn't stop you from loving someone, when everything is this perfect when you're together. We love this. We could not have said it better. Thank you, Gun Oil. Find Gun Oil products on Bite the Fruit.

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Leather Care

Russwin Francisco Clothing & Accessories

Leather Care

  Moisture & Dryness   Avoid exposing leather garments to extreme moisture or dryness. Moisture can loosen and weaken leather fibers and promote mold. Dryness can cause cracking. We recommend using a good leather conditioner to revitalize and protect the look and feel of your leather garments when the leather's natural oils diminish due to wear and time.   Storage   To keep leather garments from aging due to excess dryness or exposure to moisture make sure leather garments are stored in a well-ventilated area. Exposure to sunlight for a long period of time can dry out the leather and...

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History of Sexual Aids

Russwin Francisco Sex Toys & Lube

History of Sexual Aids

  For thousands of years, phallic objects have been used symbolically as a means to boost fertility and ward off evil spirits, but their use as sexual aids also has a long history. A 28,000-year-old phallus found in Germany recently, for example, is known as being the oldest 'sex toy' ever found. Phalluses made from stone, wood, leather and even camel dung have all been found during archeological excavations, or referenced throughout historical text and images.       A 7.8" long, 1.1" wide stone object was found in the Hohle Fels Cave near Ulm in the Swabian Jura. The...

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