What if we choose to explore our sensuality and sexuality with heightened awareness? When Adam and Eve bite the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, they become self-aware, no longer oblivious to their nakedness. They begin to see the world as it truly is.
Should this allegory be about sexual instruction, then the term bite the fruit is a euphemism for a sexual epiphany. We bite the fruit to become enlightened. We make ourselves available to a new way of thinking, a new perspective or attitude about our passions, about pleasure and intimacy. We consciously move towards love, eroticism and spirituality. We experience freedom and courage to venture beyond what we know.
Out of the Box: Bite the Fruit's Russwin Francisco
Metro Weekly, January 16, 2020
"You give yourself a chance, you bite the fruit because you want to give yourself an opportunity to explore the edges of pleasure in hopefully a healthy, responsible, and enjoyable way. Bite the Fruit is a euphemism for a sexual epiphany. That’s how I look at it."
"You’re purposefully choosing to challenge yourself, to go to the edge of what you think is status quo or normal and challenge yourself to go beyond where you decided your box was. And actually, that’s the reason for the logo. It’s a box with a little bite out of it. We’re not asking you to get rid of your box. Your box is comfortable, it’s there for a reason. Sometimes the reason is to protect you from yourself. But we’re asking you to take a little bite, just take a little bite and live outside of the box, just a little bit. Just taste it. See what it’s like.”
Read the full article on Metro Weekly