A catheter is a slender tube made of rubber or plastic and is inserted into the penis to the bladder. Once in place, the person in whom it is inserted will have no control over his urinary function. If the catheter is left open, the bladder will drain completely. If the tube is clamped off, he cannot urinate even if he wants to. Catheters are used in sex play to heighten pleasure.
- Engage with someone who is experienced, careful, cares about you and takes the precautions mentioned below. Carelessness can result in severe infection, injury or pain.
- Even if you think you are experienced, always practice all the steps before insertion, especially the steps involving inflation and deflation of the balloon.
- Use catheters made of latex and coated with Teflon, which makes them very smooth when lubricated.
- Do not use plastic catheters as they become very flexible at body temperature, increasing the risk of injury.
- Use balloon catheters as they can be left in place for a significant length of time; others will slip out.
- Test inflate the balloon with the water-filled syringe. Do not use catheters with faulty balloons.
Types of Catheters
Catheters vary with the type of tip they employ. The one used in sex plays is the Foley catheter (also called the balloon catheter). It consists of:
- Rounded tip
- One or two 'eyes', i.e. holes through which urine enters the main tube.
- Tiny balloon.
The valve is used to inflate the balloon and is operated by a hypodermic syringe filled with sterile water.
What Size to Use?
Most catheters are about 16 inches long. They vary in diameter size and balloon capacity. The diameter of the catheter is measured using the French scale:
One French unit = 0.33milimeters = 0.04 inches
14F (4mm), 16F (5mm), 18F (6mm)
Most men can handle 14F (small), 16F (average) or 18F (large), depending on the size of their urethral opening. The capacity of the balloon is measured in millilitres of water it can hold. For safety reasons, use 30ml balloon.
What Do I Need?
You will need the following:
- A Foley catheter of the appropriate size, still in its sterile packet
- A sterile luer-tip hypodermic syringe, 10-12 cc
- A sterile catheter syringe
- Sterile lubricant (Do not use a lubricant that contains nonoxynol-9 as it will irritate the urethra.)
- Sterile hand towel
- Latex gloves
- Clean wash cloth, antibacterial soap and water
Use factory-sterilized catheters. These are packed in sterile, sealed paper or plastic peel open sleeves. Do not sterilize catheters yourself.
You will need a copious amount of lubricant. Recommended brands are: KY, SurgiLube, and H&R. Do not use a lubricant that contains nonoxynol-9 as it will irritate the urethra.
Before Beginning
- Fill hypodermic syringe with sterile water. Wash hand properly with antibacterial soap.
- Place bottom on his back in a comfortable position, with legs slightly spread.
- Wash the bottom's genitals with warm water and antibacterial soap. This removes surface bacteria. Dry him gently.
The Procedure
- Wear latex gloves. Do not touch anything unsterilized at this point.
- Unfold sterile towel and place on bottom's belly. Place the unopened catheter on the towel.
- Open ONLY the valve-end of the catheter package. Attach sterile catheter syringe to the large opening. This will control urine flow later.
- Put a small amount of lubricant on the tip of the urethral opening.
- Carefully remove catheter from its package. Set the syringe end on the towel.
- Gently lubricate ONLY the first 3 inches of the catheter.
- Insert catheter gently into the penis. Continue with the insertion slowly, twisting slightly, ensuring its passage is fully lubricated.
- Lubricate catheter in 3-inch sections and continue inserting. Lubricating the catheter all at once will make it too slippery too handle.
The Piss Play
Depending on the length of the person's penis, you will probably be able to insert 10" of the catheter. At some point you will feel a slight resistance - the bottom will report a 'pinch' feeling - you have reached the bladder sphincter muscle, which keeps the bladder closed. Ask the bottom to relax and piss a bit. By doing this, the catheter will slip into the bladder. If you had not attached the catheter syringe into the large opening, there would be a flow of urine from the catheter. Stop when you have inserted 13-14" of the catheter. When you see urine in the catheter, it means the catheter is properly placed in the bladder. If not, then you must gently insert the catheter further.
About the Balloon
With the catheter in the bladder, attach the hypodermic syringe (containing sterile water) to the valve. Slowly inflate the balloon with sterilized water by pressing the plunger of the syringe.
After inflation, remove the hypodermic syringe from the valve. The balloon will stay inflated.
Keep the catheter syringe in place. Note the amount of water used. Do not exceed the rated capacity of the balloon. We recommend a 30ml balloon inflated to half its capacity. Do not cause the balloon to break. If the bottom reports pain, STOP IMMEDIATELY. Pain might mean the balloon is not inside the bladder.
Slowly pull out the catheter. STOP when you feel resistance - the balloon is now in the 'neck' of the bladder. The balloon makes a seal at the entrance of the bladder. At this stage, the bottom passes his control to urinate to the top.
Unclamp the tube to allow the bottom to piss.
Note: With the catheter in place, the bottom might feel an urge to masturbate. Masturbating can result in injury to the urethra, bladder, sphincter muscle or surrounding nerves.
Caution: The Foley catheter can be kept in place for no more than an hour. If the tube is clamped too long, urine may back up to the kidneys.
Removing the Catheter
Deflate the balloon by reattaching the hypodermic syringe to the valve. The pressure from the balloon will cause the syringe to refill. Exert some suction with the syringe to get the water out to deflate the balloon as much as possible.
Slowly withdraw the catheter. The bottom may feel slight discomfort because the balloon may not be as smooth as it was before the insertion.
Wash off excess lubricant from the penis tip.
Dispose catheter. For sterility reasons, do not re-use catheters.
Note: Any burning sensation that the bottom feels should fade in 12-24 hours.
Electric Catheters
There are several electric catheters available on the market as electric sound and urethral play is gaining popularity. We offer a solid 1/8" unipolar, flexible, conductive, medical grade silicon insertable probe that is 6" in length. It requires Control Box PSG 202 or Control Box PSG Max.
The PSG-202 and Max have dual outputs. Each output has it's own control, so you can output different charge levels to different toys. So imagine putting plenty of charge into the butt plug while offering mild stimulation to the urethral sound. You can gauge your partner's reaction and act accordingly. The box has three sets of controls on the front panel. The two knobs at the top are the individual output controls. Next are the pulse rate controls which let's you manage the pulse cycle times (anywhere from slow to quick). The bottom buttons are quick disconnect buttons. You can turn of one or both of the connected items with a simple button press.
Generally, refer to same precautions described above for catheter use. We strongly urge that you work with an experienced, mature and responsible partner. Wear latex gloves to help prevent accidental contact when the power source is turned on.
You will need a copious amount of lubricant. Recommended brands are: KY, SurgiLube, and H&R. Do not use a lubricant that contains nonoxynol-9 as it will irritate the urethra. Apply lubrication to the surface of the insertable probe. Do not use silicone-based lubricants. Silicone is an insulator and reduces conductivity.